Monday, October 6, 2008

Women ....

It was only three in the morning but the temple bells were already ringing. It seems as though the holy city of Benares doesn't give in to the night. Excited to see Her for the first time, I took a few steps closer before taking a seat in front of her. I had sung her glories in the past but today I am truly blessed to be sitting in front of her. Flowing from the world's highest peak, She purifies her children that depend on her by carrying their dirt, illnesses, and remains. She had always displayed a true quality of a mother that sacrifices herself for her children.

I closed my eyes trying to meditate upon her, not knowing that the knowledge that she was about to teach was to come from the activities that was happening at her banks. Sitting at the Hanuman Gath, which is located in between the Harish chandra Gath and the Manikarnika Gath, allowed me to realize true meaning of life and death. Both these Gaths are regarded as holy crematoriums, which millions believe that being burned here provides an instant liberation from the cycle of births and rebirths. The ashes are then immersed in the Ganges which will purify the remains and allow the soul to be liberated. As I opened my eyes, the bright fire of a burning funeral pyre at the Harish Chandra Ghat attracted my mind. Holding on to her children, a widow was crying as her husband reduces slowly to ashes.

It was not long ago, where a Hindu wife used to willingly jump into the burning funeral pyre of her husband. This practice was known as Sati or Sahagamana. This practice started when the king's daughter, Sati jumped into the fire unable to stand her father from humiliating her living husband, Shiva. Since then, many noble women performed Sati as they believed that they were part of their husbands and being part of their husbands, when he is dies, they believed it’s only righteous for them to die too. This kept marriage a very sacred relationship for centuries.

It may seem ridiculous and cruel to perform such an act today. However, knowing the reason behind the practice of Sati can help strengthen the marriage bond between a husband and his wife in today’s society. A wife should never leave her husband to stray. She has to remember the promise that she had made during the marriage ceremony to keep her husband safe and happy. A woman’s greatest strength is her patience. She has to use that to her advantage when dealing with her husband and children. Remember this; a man always thinks from his mind but a woman thinks from her heart. This is the reason men are most of the time egoistic, and hurting their ego’s will just draw the marriage further. A woman should aim not to win the immediate battles (quarrels) but to win the war by keeping her family together. A Woman symbolizes the wellness of her family and generations to come, this is the responsibility put on her shoulders by God.

When I was writing this post, I was told to write it to my best but I am not sure if this is my best. Nevertheless, after reading it once, I notice that this post is really special as without my knowledge I had describe the three roles a woman would play in her life time. In the first paragraph, I described her as being a mother which is one of the holiest relationship bonds on earth. In the second paragraph I described her as being God. Women created the form of the fetus from herself and ensured it was safe in her before delivering it to the world. Relating to her as the creator makes her God. In the third and fourth paragraph, I described her as being a responsible wife which will ensure wellness of generations to follow . A woman can live without a man but no man can live without a woman.


~*Vie*~ said...

Thats a good one ahilan! Man would be incomplete without the existence of a woman behind every of his deeds in this world! Even nothing can beat your post about your mom,but this post is very much genuine! Keep up your good work and I'm looking forward for more posts from you without the persuasion from that someone!:)


~*Vie*~ said...
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Anonymous said...

Salute to the woman