Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The One Thing .......

We had forgotten the one thing that had all this time kept us together. As we got closer, without our knowledge this thing grew stronger. It allowed us to speak our hearts out without worrying to be misunderstood. Life can never be so truthful without it. I am not talking about the four letter word, love here. To me love is only a fragrance and this thing is the breeze that carries that fragrance. This thing is the true strength of the roots of all relationships.

Sometimes I feel that we were born with the ability to exhibit this thing to the people around us. If not we would not be able to feed our hungry stomachs to the milk that our mothers had produce. Without this thing, we wouldn’t be able to know our own fathers. Furthermore, mingle with our friends as though they were part of us. Having this thing makes us able to comprehend the very God who is not physically visible. Besides that, it also keeps two people closer though they are miles apart.

At any moment, if this thing is lost in a relationship, the relationship will start to crumble. This thing is hard to rebuild after its initial lost but it is also not impossible to rebuild. However at this point of time it is only love and memories of a person that can help to rebuild this lost thing, in a relationship. If you are still guessing what I am going on about, probably you are not aware that you have this ability in you.

Well, the thing that I am talking about is trust, the base of all relationships. It is important to value ones trust on you but it is more important not to sacrifice the trust that yourself had put on you, to make this life meaningful. You will only have yourself at the end of this long journey of life, so start trusting yourself and live life to its best.

PS: First of all forgive me for this short post. After this post, I am going to stop writing for a while to take some rest. All I hope is you would TRUST that I will return stronger, hopefully in a couple of weeks time. I also hope that this post was meaningful to you and hope you will drop your comments on this post soon. Thanks, as I don’t know what I will do, without you reading………


~*Vie*~ said...

:) Even though its a short post, thats a nice one...

Anonymous said...


Shobna said...

Welcome back my friend.. short and sweet a post makes it very simple yet sample.. so good job .. and well done buddy ;)